Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök
His Majesty Gelato
Maestro Pizzaiolo Antonio Buonaugurio experiments with new techniques and flavors every day
To dedicate himself to training young professionals and developing new products - Chef Gabriele Marrucci

Culinary and entrepreneurship are her passion: Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök

As a representative of Turkey, the chef is participating in GastronomiX – the haute cuisine forum, which will be held in Sofia from February 18 to 21

Executive chef Zeynep Ceren AkkökForeign relations consultant of TAŞPAKON
Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök
Foreign relations consultant of TAŞPAKON

We will meet one of the most popular figures in contemporary Turkish gastronomy and a representative of the new generation of professional chefs very soon. Yes, she is . Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök. Honored with many international and national titles, she, together with Executive Chef Öner Çulfaz, will represent her homeland at the upcoming haute cuisine forum GastronomiX.

As one of the most anticipated culinary events in Bulgaria and the Balkans, GastronomiX 2025 will open its doors from February 18 to 21 in Sofia. This will take place within the framework of the SIHRE horeca exhibition.

And the organizers of GastronomiX – Inter Expo Center and the Bulgarian Association of Professional Chefs have prepared a series of meetings with chefs from the world stage. All of them will focus our attention on “The Mediterranean – a sea of ​​flavors”. “The theme is in focus this year”, share the organizers. It is realized thanks to the Guild of Professional Chefs of Greek Gastronomy and Executive Chef Stilianos Dingas.

GastronomiX 2025 will start on 18 February
GastronomiX 2025 will start on 18 February
Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök is Dedicated to Turkish national cuisine

It is in this dynamic environment that the audience will meet Executive chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök. She has studied and developed culinary knowledge in traditional Turkish cuisine and in modern world gastronomy, today she is a consultant for international relations of TAŞPAKON and Representative of Turkey in WICS.

Under the leadership of TAŞPAKON, Zeynep Ceren Akkök develops the movement for national Turkish cuisine. She is responsible for the promotion of local foods in the Çanakkale region.

In addition, Executive Chef Zeynep Ceren Akkök is the winner of the “Avea My Life Idea 2009” Entrepreneurship Award. She is the coordinator of the “Gastro Bodrum Festival 2024” competition. She is a participant and winner of numerous gastronomy competitions, where she occupies leading positions.

Изложение СИХРЕ отново ще обедини целия хорека сектора от България и чужбина

Българското хорека изложение СИХРЕ 2025 ще се проведе от 18 до 21 февруари

Вкусът обединява народите; доказва ни го президентът на TEŞPAKON Executive Chef Öner Çulfaz

Впускаме се в тънкостите на палестинската кухня и висшата кулинария с Executive chef Husameddin K. H. Bassalat

Из дебрите на тунизийската и международната кулинария с азиатско влияние: пътешествие с Executive Chef Sambri Takouk

Chef Симеон Николов – виртуозът, създаващ кулинарни пътешествия в ресторанта със звезда Мишлен „OZ“

Между Тунис и Саудитска Арабия: Executive Chef Ameur Еltaief не спира да реализира кулинарни проекти

Водещият гръцки кулинар Executive Chef Stilianos Dingas ще участва в GastronomiX 2025

Президентът на Египетската кулинарна асоциация Executive Chef Essam Sayed Mohamed Nasrallah представя родината си на GastronomiX 2025

Първият в Гърция Meat Ιllusion Chef – George Lorenzos ще предаде вдъхновения и познания на публиката в България