Сигурни сме, че участието на Сhef David Veenstra в GastronomiX 2025, осезаемо ще допринесе за присъствието ни
His Majesty Gelato
Maestro Pizzaiolo Antonio Buonaugurio experiments with new techniques and flavors every day
To dedicate himself to training young professionals and developing new products - Chef Gabriele Marrucci

The chef who inspires: chef David Veenstra

We present the culinary virtuoso from the Netherlands, who trained in Michelin-starred kitchens, worked on cruise ships and has proven himself today as a culinary advisor around the world

Сигурни сме, че участието на Сhef David Veenstra в GastronomiX 2025, осезаемо ще допринесе за присъствието ни
Сhef David Veenstra

Culinary is his pride. Perfectionism is like a religion for him, and among his main aspirations is to pass on his knowledge. Yes, in the following lines we introduce you to chef David Veenstra. It is he who will represent the Netherlands at the GastronomiX 2025 haute cuisine forum at Inter Expo Center.

The eagerly awaited format will start in Sofia on February 18 and until the 21st, within the framework of the SIHRE horeca exhibition, will meet us with world-class names from the culinary and gastronomy world. They are coming to us especially for the format at GastronomiX “The Mediterranean – a sea of ​​flavors”, co-organized by the Guild of Professional Chefs of Greek Gastronomy, with the exclusive assistance of Executive chef Stilianos Dingas.

GastronomiX 2025 will start on 18 February
GastronomiX 2025 will start on 18 February

“David Veenstra’s career as a chef began in 1990 in a beautiful forest restaurant,” share the organizers Inter Expo Center and the Bulgarian Association of Professional Chefs. Studying the intricacies of gastronomy and cooking, he trained in several Michelin-starred kitchens and Masterchef chefs.

Culinary journeys

Realizing that he had learned the intricacies of his craft, chef David Veenstra embarked on a series of professional adventures on various cruise ships.

There he was a sous chef, and then he started managing his own restaurant and working as a culinary advisor. He has been a freelance chef for 12 years now.

Favorite product

“I am proud to have been part of the Van Drie Group team of chefs for 10 years now,” shares chef David Veenstra. The virtuoso notes that his favorite product is veal. And as he himself emphasizes – “all types of product packaging.”

It is veal that is the “star” of the customer demonstrations, seminars, master classes, sophisticated lunches and television productions that he realizes.

We are sure that the participation of Chef David Veenstra “The Mediterranean – a sea of ​​flavors”, as one of the highlights of GastronomiX 2025, will noticeably contribute to the presence of each of us. Therefore, we are looking forward to the first-hand meetings with all the chefs from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine and the Netherlands, who will join in with all their energy and inspiration.

Изложение СИХРЕ отново ще обедини целия хорека сектора от България и чужбинаSIHRE Exhibition will once again unite the entire HoReCa sector from Bulgaria and abroad

Между Тунис и Саудитска Арабия: Executive Chef Ameur Еltaief не спира да реализира кулинарни проекти


Българското хорека изложение СИХРЕ 2025 ще се проведе от 18 до 21 февруари

Световни кулинари представят „Средиземноморието – море от вкусове“ на GastronomiX 2025