Оптимални решения за кухнята откриваме в
His Majesty Gelato
Maestro Pizzaiolo Antonio Buonaugurio experiments with new techniques and flavors every day
To dedicate himself to training young professionals and developing new products - Chef Gabriele Marrucci

The triathlon of professional cuisine

VERA 94 has been providing key innovations for the horeca sector for over 30 years

Оптимални решения за кухнята откриваме в зала 2, щанд B2 на изложение СИХРЕ 2025
Innovations in professional cuisine it the mission of VERA 94

Innovations in professional cuisine and their role in optimizing the food preparation process, reducing quality and reducing costs has been the mission of VERA 94 for 30 years. With all their energy, the company’s professionals are participating in the Bulgarian horeca exhibition SIHRE at Inter Expo Center, which will bring together thousands of representatives of the sector from Bulgaria and abroad in Sofia from February 18 to 21. 

In Hall 2, Stand B2, the VERA 94 team will present a wide range of products and services. “Discover a revolutionary system that transforms professional cooking. Reduce costs and increase efficiency,” the company shares, among which the following are highlighted: iCombi Pro, iVario Pro, Irinox/ MultiFresh Next. They save:

  1. 70% less energy
  2. 60% less labor
  3. 95% less fat
A transformation for every professional cuisine

The iCombi Pro combi oven is an appliance that allows you to prepare a variety of dishes with minimal human intervention. Anyone in the kitchen can work with it, saving time and effort.

The iVario Pro multifunctional appliance replaces other methods of boiling, frying and steaming, offering maximum flexibility in the kitchen. Up to 4 times faster in food preparation compared to classic turntables.

Irinox/ MultiFresh Next blast chiller/freezer – the ideal solution for rapid cooling and freezing with 2 times higher performance, as well as low-temperature cooking, dough proofing, evaluated functions for chocolate, ice cream and confectionery.

Attendees will be able to participate in live cooking and understand how these technologies can transform the kitchen while helping to reduce productivity and lower costs.

Изложение СИХРЕ отново ще обедини целия хорека сектора от България и чужбина

Хорека секторът се подготвя за изложение СИХРЕ 2025

Световни кулинари представят „Средиземноморието – море от вкусове“ на GastronomiX 2025

Българското хорека изложение СИХРЕ 2025 ще се проведе от 18 до 21 февруари

ИАНМСП подкрепя българските компании, желаещи да участват с щанд на изложение СИХРЕ