1517 Sofia, 32 Stoyan Popov Str.

+359 884 070 318

“Beertherapy” is the own brand of the company Binding Bulgaria Ltd. – the official importer and distributor of some of the most famous German, Czech and Spanish beers.

After 23 years of experience on the market and 13 brands falling under the umbrella of our company, “Beertherapy” once again finds its place on the podium of Sihre 2024. Our goal is to showcase our rich collection of quality beer to those who have not yet been lucky enough to be cared for by our “specialist-beer therapists”.

At our stand, you will have the opportunity to sample our own brand Bohem, as well as get to know the rest of our portfolio. It includes the brands Radeberger, Schöfferhoffer, Bernard, Primator, Estrella Damm, DAB, Bohemia Regent, Kloster Scheyern, Hasen-Bräu and others.

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