Creator of the first Meet Illusion training curriculum worldwide, the inspiring expert joins the GastronomiX haute cuisine forum

Meat Illusion Chef GEORGE LORENZOS
Less than a month remains until the start of the Bulgarian haute cuisine forum GastronomiX. That is exactly how much the audience is separated from the meeting with the first Meat Ιllusion Chef in Greece – George Lorenzos. With all his energy, the inspiring expert will join the format, which from February 18 to 21, within the framework of the SIHRE horeca exhibition.
Together with Executive Chef Stilianos Dingas, Meat Ιllusion Chef George Lorenzos will represent Greece in the edition of GastronomiX, where leading world names in gastronomy will present their visions on the theme “The Mediterranean – a sea of flavors”.
The CV of Meat Ιllusion Chef George Lorenzos, who will arrive at the Inter Expo Center in Sofia, is more than impressive. He is the Vice President of the Guild of Professional Chefs of Greek Gastronomy (CCHG), Treasurer of the Federation of Professional Chefs of Greece (HCF), Official Judge of WOACS and Co-founder of the Academy of Gastronomy in Greece. He is the first author of a curriculum for Meet Illusion training worldwide. His efforts were also crowned with a gold medal from GTBB for the innovation of Meet Ιllusion as a new culinary technique.

Initiation into the artistic form
George Lorenzos was born in Athens on 27.02.1969. He graduated from a state school of meat processing. He attended numerous seminars on gastronomy in Greece and abroad, as well as HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) seminars.
Meat Ιllusion Chef George Lorenzos started working in the field of meat processing and meat trade in 1985. Since then, he has reduced the profession of meat processing to an artistic form, which he teaches at seminars throughout Greece and the Balkans. He is a teacher at a culinary school in Athens.
He is a student of Angelo Feroci – an expert in the art of Meat Artist in Italy. He graduated in the specialty “Food Chemist-Technologist”. This in turn helps him a lot when working with combinations of ingredients and observing their development, developing and recommending new meat-based products on the market.
The inspiration that George Lorenzos brings with him
His Meat Ιllusion works are a source of inspiration for many professionals in the field of meat processing. As the first professional Meat Artisan in Greece, he is the author of specialized literature on artistic cutting and reconstruction of meat. He is the first Meat Ιllusion Chef in Greece and the first author of a Meet Illusion training curriculum worldwide.
Today, George Lorenzos is also the owner of two successful businesses that develop the concept of Food Illusion and Meat Artist in Athens. He specializes in the art of meat preparation, many of his delicious meat specialties have been presented at exhibitions and occupy leading positions among others of their kind in the world. He is a meet expert in the techniques of Greek and international types of meat cutting and their culinary use.
GastronomiX is the fruit of the joint efforts of Inter Expo Center and the Bulgarian Association of Professional Chefs. The main partner is AVA-M. And the Co-Organizer of “The Mediterranean – a Sea of Flavors” is the Guild of Professional Chefs of Greek Gastronomy, with the key participation of Executive Chef Stilianos Dingas.
Do you also want to meet Meat Ιllusion Chef George Lorenzos? To gain knowledge and inspiration from the founder of the curriculum in this direction? And do you want to discover more about “The Mediterranean – a Sea of Flavors”? If the answer is “Yes”, then your place from February 18 to 21 is GastronomiX 2025.
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